Hide Prices for WooCommerce

Hide Prices for WooCommerce

Hiding WooCommerce prices and the add to cart button has never been this easy! With Hide Prices for WooCommerce you can easily hide the prices for a specific products. You are also able to remove and disable the “Add to Cart” button.

Hide Prices for WooCommerce works with both simple products and variable products and takes less than a minute to get up and running. Simply install the plugin and configure the product settings.

Replacing the price with a button or text label is a breeze with the Hide Prices plugin. Once installed you are able to easily add a button which links to any page on your website or to an external website. If you’d just like to display text, no worries, that’s easy too. Just define the text you would like to be displayed and click save.

Pricing & Buy



  • Hide price
  • Hide add to cart button
  • 1 year of product updates
  • 1 year of premium support



  • All free plugin features
  • Replace price with button
  • Replace price with text
  • Enhanced variable product support
  • 1 site
  • 1 year of product updates
  • 1 year of premium support



  • All pro plugin features
  • Unlimited sites
  • 1 year of product updates
  • 1 year of premium support

Hide Prices is a plugin for WooCommerce. A WordPress website with a WooCommerce store is required for the plugin to work.